tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 4

A short, clever, beautiful and heartfelt puzzler about friendship and overcoming problems together. Not the most challenging puzzle game, but a wonderful little experience.

A short little linear exploration game which is as beautiful as it is relaxing. Fantastic attention to detail and a carefully crafted atmosphere. Hard to not say “Journey but it’s underwater”.

Slow yet short, mostly-linear space “walking simulator”. Great to look at with elements of intrigue, but ultimately feels a bit like a tech demo. Very buggy at times. Much more compelling in VR.

The generic, yearly AC reskin cashcow cycle begins. Entirely underwhelming.

This feels like eating McDonalds. It’s tasty and fills you up in the moment, but you hate yourself and are left unsatisfied thereafter. Has some interesting new ideas, but mostly the same old stuff.

A welcome change of design direction for the franchise! Less about assassination & stealth, more about RPG-stuff. That said, it’s still full of bugs, clunky writing/VA and atrocious optimisation.

Great setting & at times fun gameplay, as well as of course… more of the same. Some promising characters, but they prove hard to get attached to. Lots of ideas in here, but none fully committed to.

Probably my least enjoyed of the franchise. Great visuals and world, but overall is strangely paced and often clunky if not completely broken. Sadly full of potential, but typically underwhelming.

Interesting but understandably polarising little papercraft Diablo-esque…roguelike… looter? Tonnes of ideas on display here and worth checking out. It’s fine. Fine…

Remember when Valve teased new Portal content? And it was a bridge constructor? FeelsBadMan. On its merits though, this is a great little puzzle game. Relaxing, challenging, and allows for creativity.