tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 4

Expectedly more of the same, but surprisingly, I actually don’t mind it. Can see why people call it DLC, but the balance it strikes of realistic and stylised environments is nice. Writing is very avg.

I wish there were more truly co-op games like this. I could have done without all the cutscene interruptions, but almost everything else makes up for it. Lovingly crafted and quite funny at times.

Interesting roguelike farming sim accurately described as Fallout Stardew Gungeon. Charming art, and overall a cool idea. Starts out pretty relaxing but ramps up steadily. Probably better on Switch.

An epileptic, sludgey LSD trip packaged into an insanely stylised, hyperactive and frenetic roguelike shooter. Punishing in more ways than one, but intriguing and challenging.

An influential masterclass in the application of atmosphere and subtlety. Beautiful, powerful, surprising and mesmerising - Journey is a must play.

A whimsical perceptual puzzler full of smart ideas. It’s just long enough, with its brevity perfectly exploring its core concepts and ultimately satisfying greatly. Very impressive.

Beautiful and slightly mind-bending at times. Fantastic music, writing and VO. Controls can be a bit janky, and puzzles feel a bit directionless in the middle acts, but overall very, very good.

A unique & interesting take the genre, attempting to link the difficulty of wilderness, survival, adaption & even evolution with gameplay. The result is obtuse and at times painful, but I respect it.

I am not good at driving games but I was dying to play this. Indeed I was very bad at it, but very much enjoyed the masterfully crafted artstyle and way it lovingly communicates the… art of rally.

I hate this phraseology, but it’s hard to avoid: Papers, Please meets Sim City. A crushing, brutal survival citybuilder which will have you searching your soul and stretching your ethical boundaries.