tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 3

Open world adventure game with loads of hype prerelease. Ultimately it has a decently engaging story, fun world to explore and… pipe puzzles and ‘hacking’ simulators. Worth a buy if on sale.

A project handed to a junior employee, who then crafted it into an uncompromising lesson in perseverance that rewards exploration and subverts expectations. Bleak, brutal and beautiful. Pretty much perfect - Dark Souls legacy & impact cannot be overstated.

A fresh, visceral and addictive hyperactive trip of ultraviolence, strategy and style. Finds its rhythm immediately and sticks the landing. Hell of a soundtrack too.

Hate some of the story choices, not keen on the saturated styling & VFX, but undeniably fun and addictive. I spent hundreds of hours just looking for Cosmic Wings and never got them… and I’d do it again.