tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 3

An enormous world, wonderfully fleshed out with great writing, characters and tonnes to do. Incredible production, varied gameplay and fun as hell. Manages to explore the setting and tropes without being tacky.

Rockstar have absolutely mastered this format of game, and GTA5 is the jewel in their crown. It’s extremely well designed and the singleplayer is good, albeit suffering from restrictive ways to play.

A modern and engaging story driven puzzler adventure with a core mechanic thoroughly explored. Fun, engaging and emotionally sophisticated (for the most part… at times it’s pretty cheesy). Play it.

More of the same from the Far Cry formula; which is still strong and fun - assuming there’s an engaging world & plot, as there is here. Not quite as strong as #3, but worth playing.

A beautiful, dark and immersive alternate reality with characters you’ll be sad to leave behind. A brave successor that pulls it off and has genuinely jaw-dropping moments.

A fresh and lastingly influential take on the broadly tired shooter genre. Decent gunplay is offset by the audio/visual and narrative masterpiece that surround it.

One of the best loot-shooters ever. Terrific writing by Anthony Burch, with memorable moments and characters. Awesome co-op experience, definitely a must-play.

The gunplay, loot and world design and graphics are all excellent (and still stand-up in 2018), but the characters, bosses and story leave a little to be desired. Worth a buy, especially the sequel.