tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: PlayStation 3

Revelations is a beautiful game from which you know entirely what to expect. For me; fun but entirely unsatisfying.

Feels like it could probably have been DLC. Has all the Ubisoft tropes and the typical mix of dopamine and tedium.

Charming little couples co-op, physics based platformer. Can get a little repetitive and difficulty curve may be a bit steep for some partners.

Cute little couples co-op game. Starts simply enough and is mostly fun throughout, if a little samey throughout the second half with timed and platforming stuff.

Not the most mechanically engaging game, but is elevated to sublime heights by its characters and writing. Moment-to-moment gameplay is visceral & satisfying, sound design is fantastic. Must play.

The historic grandfather of 3D shooters, paving the way for a genre that would come to dominate the industry. I remember playing this with my brother, and he’d always make it harder by refusing to shoot the dogs.

I dunno, feels pretty forced to me. Its seemingly based around a big joke, but I just don’t find it very funny.