tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Mac

Won’t be for everyone, with an arguably repetitive gameplay loop, but I found it to not outstay its welcome and love it. A surreal squirrel mystery puzzler, surely showing its love of Firewatch.

As simple as they come, but strangely hypnotic and addictive. Love it. Sadly I am still fat IRL.

Giant Sparrow’s PS3 game finally comes to PC! An immediately captivating start is followed by clever explorations of mechanics that make for a delightful game which doesnt outstay its welcome. Get it!

Fresh & clever, Ring of Pain’s simplistic inputs bely its depth and difficulty. Absolutely stunning art, haunting music and great sound are underpinned by a fun and addictive gameplay loop. Love it.

Do you like organising and sorting things? Do you like cute art and low-pressure, low-stakes gameplay? If so, you’ll like this game. It’s simple but cheerful and charming. The co-op is great too.

Certainly one of the most influential RPGs of its era. Some of its predecessors frustrations are still present, but almost everything is improved - indeed, the sheer amount to do is enormous.

“They don’t make them like they used to.” A true classic, at this point an isometric turn-based RPG. Far from perfect, but a remarkable achievement.

Interesting concept which at first sounds great, but quickly becomes almost as repetitive and uninteresting as its soundtrack. Map design and combat are actually quite good, but the rest, not so much.

FMV investigation game in which one can become completely absorbed. A unique and compelling experience helped along by good writing and acting. Definitely worth a playthrough.

A short, clever, beautiful and heartfelt puzzler about friendship and overcoming problems together. Not the most challenging puzzle game, but a wonderful little experience.