tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Mac

Starts off small in scope, but somehow just keeps expanding and delighting. Great characters, art, music and satisfying gameplay loop/s. Constantly surprising and funny.

Cleverly expands on what Obra Dinn did with the genre while painting a gripping story. Doesn’t waste your time or rely on gamey logic. Extremely hard to pull off, but it’s been done wonderfully here.

A peaceful and tactile puzzle game aimed at those who love things neat, tidy & organised. For the most part quite zen & intuitive, but solutions or controls can sometimes be a bit finnicky.

Somewhere between Journey and BOTW, but with a tighter and shorter focus. Great to look at, fun and satisfying to play. Could see it being repetitive and unrewarding for some, but its core is a nice.

A very arcadey gamejam entry with waves of enemies and online leaderboards - simple, addictive, fun and clever. Can’t help but like the silly, punny title and theme too.

Clever, unique game with lots to like. Core gameplay loop is solid & the unlocks are meaningful. Art, sound and especially music are all fantastic. All quality, but quantity may leave some wanting.

The classic familiar-but-new the franchise is now known for, and potentially the spookiest it’s been. Not really for me, but if you’re into horror, it’s an instant classic.

A roguelike which plays like a tabletop cardgame in which your inventory management itself defines how combat plays out. An interesting concept allowing for dynamic builds. Could do with some UX love.

Colourful, charming and frantic with a unique personality, Slime Rancher walks a line between relaxing and repetitive. If you’re into cute farming, adventuring and a bit of management, it’s for you.

Really well put together Twitchbait rhythm game which is challenging and super fun for a short period, but gets old pretty quickly. Would benefit a lot from custom tracks.