tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Mac

Baba is clever. Painfully clever. Really simple concept taken to really inventive heights. Music is great too. If you like puzzle games, this is a must-play.

Procedurally generated rouge-lite with a unique and brilliant art style. A little cryptic to start with but eventually addictive gameplay, if a little simplistic/shallow.

Slow and relaxing with great art and music. Spikes in difficulty felt a little artificial at times. Probably worth a play, but you certainly need to be in the mood.

Won’t be for everyone, but very clever and funny. By the same guy as ‘Pony Island’, and just as crazy and fourth-wall-breaking. Some parts are a little tedious (probably intended), but a great game.

A surprisingly engaging short narrative text adventure. Simple mechanically but a really fleshed out and interesting world makes it a great little experience. Mike Bithell is really good.

Klei does it again! An insanely detailed and complex 2d survival game which will give perfectionists conniptions. A little overwhelming, but charming and fun.

Early access survival game, but it’s… actually really good? Smooth movement, gorgeous visuals and lots of depth (no pun intended). Can be a bit overwhelming at first, but stick with it.

Super smooth and adorable art and animation belies the potential difficulty of this dungeon crawler / retail simulator. Can get very grindy, but worth checking out.

Breathes creative new life into rogue-likes by way of deckbuilding and card/turn-based combat. Deep and satisfying, STS was an instant classic and has proved wildly influential (for better or worse).

Confusing at first & I think that’s a good thing, so go in blind. The controls are a bit slippery at first but they get better. This has tonnes of depth and the combat is rewarding if a little spammy.