Platform: Mac
If you like mind-bending puzzlers like Antichamber or Superliminal, this is a must play. Its minimal visuals are exquisite, the sound design is perfect and the music is even handy to gauge progress.
You know what it is: the much memed third-person honk-‘em-up starring a horrible goose. All the press it got was deserved, it’s fun and funny as hell. Also, great to see games from my home town!
All layers of presentation are brilliant in this uber-dark (verging on edgy) souls-inspired metroidvania, but often I felt it leans too hard into its tone. Difficulty can be pretty cheap at times.
A sad remnant of a promising game which languished in development hell resulting in an eventual complete redesign for the worse. I had a great time in its alpha, but this is no longer that game.
Incredible writing, unique approach to RPG elements with hilarious and dank, nihilist atmosphere. Truly an extraordinary game. Absolutely a must play.
I’m almost getting tired of saying “Supergiant does it again” but it’s true. They turn their incredible skill toward roguelikes here, while maintaining all their patented quality, and absolutely nail it.
Pretty innovative FPS roguelite with a cool comicbook artstyle. Not the most difficult or replayable game but interesting.
Currently the most polished and considered autobattler. Super addictive. Depends if it keeps getting updates, which depends if people keep playing it.
Great Instadeath platformer with cool graphics, cool music and a surprisingly addictive story. Does a good job of grounding mechanics in the plot. Can be frustrating at times, but overall pretty good.
A fast and ridiculously satisfying, simple beat-em-up. Aesthetic is gorgeous - music is even better. Short game, but worth the price of entry.