tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Mac

A surreal sojourn through a psychedelic natural museum. Won’t be for everyone, but a fun little experience.

Interesting and fun take on this kind of 2d platformer. Movement and combat are fun and satisfying, and puzzles are pretty clever. Short but definitely worth it.

Really cool game. Interesting roguelike with a great setting, characters and indeed artstyle. Definitely worth playing, just a shame the multiplayer is so… strange and clunky.

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Absurd, funny and clever. You’ll immediately know if you’re gonna like this game. I found it a great exploration of a single, seemingly simple idea.

A fantastic 10-15 minute experience, with impressive art considering its gamejam roots. A typically strange story and game from Mullins, with his classic dark tension and humour.

Beautiful, short interactive story made in Melbourne. Likely too twee for a lot of people, but I really like it and am glad it came across from mobile.

Addictive and exciting early access start to a new roguelike. Unique movement & approach to combat are at the heart of this one, which will likely continue to raise the skill ceiling as its develops.

A very strangely mesmerising, minimal & surreal 30 minute experience. The art style and character/world design is unique and well executed. Also, it’s free - just play it.

Lives up to its name, clocking in around an hour or two, but still quite dense. A minimalist and beautiful artstyle paints a charming little world full of cute characters and great writing.