tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Mac

Charming little PI/detective noir visual novel point-n-click with a well executed, minimal aesthetic. Stellar soundtrack. Ultimately pretty straight forward, but not necessarily a bad thing.

Improves upon almost everything of its predecessor. All the tropes are here, but they still feel interesting at this point. Bursting with ambition and mostly delivers.

Fun game. Gorgeous setting and a pretty good story. Has some pacing issues, but one of if not the best AC games. Just wish it was a little harder.

Interesting but understandably polarising little papercraft Diablo-esque…roguelike… looter? Tonnes of ideas on display here and worth checking out. It’s fine. Fine…

Remember when Valve teased new Portal content? And it was a bridge constructor? FeelsBadMan. On its merits though, this is a great little puzzle game. Relaxing, challenging, and allows for creativity.

Refreshingly honest and polished little narrative physics game reminiscent of Katamari Damacy. Adorable visuals, music, characters and writing.

Stunningly authentic tone, visuals, sound and music. If you liked the old Prince of Persia style action/platforming/puzzles, this is almost a must-play. It’s short, but doesn’t outstay its welcome.

A very imperfect and quite buggy, but still worth-playing soulslike. While it lacks polish, it’s very sincere and has some interesting ideas. Bosses are a bit simple/easy. Combat is a bit clunky.

A surreal sojourn through a psychedelic natural museum. Won’t be for everyone, but a fun little experience.

Interesting and fun take on this kind of 2d platformer. Movement and combat are fun and satisfying, and puzzles are pretty clever. Short but definitely worth it.