tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: iOS

A tense 2D puzzle platformer with a gorgeous art style. LIMBO was one of the more inspirational indie games that changed the game at the time, and deserves a playthrough.

Probably better suited to mobile, but still fun and has the trademark Tomorrow Corp worldbuilding and tone. Addictive, fun, and now a classic. Burn it all.

Really stupid. Really funny. Probably more appropriate as just a mobile game these days though.

Probably peak EA. For its time, a very unique and interesting take on what fast, first person games could be - but great controls and even better mapdesign seemingly stop it from aging at all.

An intriguing, nihilistic, funny and depressing paperwork simulator. A simple concept thoughtfully & creatively explored.
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The very influential testbed for β€˜The Telltale Way’. A wonderful example of storytelling in games and in retrospect, remarkably accomplished. Its characters, and decision making ensure its a classic.

The Wolf Among Us is the best of midterm Telltale. Dark, funny and at times very clever - it’s sad we’ll never see more of it.