tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Web browser

This super tight concept with an impressive amount of content won the LD55 Jam, under the theme of ‘Summoning’. Cool music, funny sounds, silly minigames, really polished, and more than anything just really fun and satisfying. It introduces mechanics well, escalates nicely and is genuinely addictive.

A space-themed Suika-like, with satisfying, bouncy physics, and a novel way to ease congestion. Simple but cosy, and it’s cool to see something like this made in PICO-8.

Very impressive gamejam submission wherein a rhino needs to deliver packages, but isn’t great at slowing down. Starts simple but progressively introduces clever new mechanics. Really cool.

An iOS classic - I spent hours on this back in the day. It’s simple but addictive. You likely have this to thank/blame for infinite runner games.

Very clever minimalist puzzler. Relaxing music under a compelling concept carried through a good amount of levels considering it was a gamejam submission.

A very arcadey gamejam entry with waves of enemies and online leaderboards - simple, addictive, fun and clever. Can’t help but like the silly, punny title and theme too.

A roguelike which plays like a tabletop cardgame in which your inventory management itself defines how combat plays out. An interesting concept allowing for dynamic builds. Could do with some UX love.

Scrabble with a gamejam twist: you want to keep the board empty. Fun mechanics, cool visuals and music. Clever game.

Well put-together and crazy addictive autobattler slot machine. Obviously hugely RNG dependent, but fun enough to keep coming back.

The genre-defining browser classic comes to Steam, bringing all its apocalyptic Grandma madness along with it. If you didn’t dedicate a browser tab to this for thousands of hours, you didn’t live.