Platform: Android
The very influential testbed for ‘The Telltale Way’. A wonderful example of storytelling in games and in retrospect, remarkably accomplished. Its characters, and decision making ensure its a classic.
The Wolf Among Us is the best of midterm Telltale. Dark, funny and at times very clever - it’s sad we’ll never see more of it.
Proof that graphical fidelity are not required to tell a good story and have engaging characters. Good platforming puzzles too.
If you’re into challenging platformers this is a must buy. At times the difficulty feels artificial, but overall it’s extremely solid. Prepare yourself for frustration if not rage.
While it may be better suited to mobile these days, World of Goo is a great puzzle/bridge-building game with a simple mechanic it explores well.
A nostalgic but fresh and seemingly-casual approach to card games. Early on it was approachable, diverse and very fun. As time went on, P2W became more present, and complexity-creep sucked a lot of the fun.
A seminal masterpiece that took the world by storm with good reason. I spent thousands of hours in Minecraft; a game for me about exploring creativity within tight restriction. Must play.
A fresh, visceral and addictive hyperactive trip of ultraviolence, strategy and style. Finds its rhythm immediately and sticks the landing. Hell of a soundtrack too.