tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Platform: Android

If you love FMVs or even just film, it’s cool. Extremely strange at first, but if you can stick with it, and it clicks with you, it’s pretty cool. Definitely not for everyone.

Felt a bit strange to play on PC and I’m very Marvel-fatigued, but the game design itself is stellar. Impressive mix of casual & complex. Sadly, at some point, you’ll likely reach for your wallet.

A remnant of its time, when games-with-awkward-controls was a big thing. It’s fun though, if you can get into the silliness of it. Challenging but relatively short in a welcome way.

Basically Genshin but sci-fi instead of fantasy, and turn-based instead of realtime combat. The intro tutorial is painful, but push through and it becomes pretty fun. Lock up your wallet.

A peaceful and tactile puzzle game aimed at those who love things neat, tidy & organised. For the most part quite zen & intuitive, but solutions or controls can sometimes be a bit finnicky.

Hugely addictive tower defense with beautiful, minimal art, from the Creative Director of Hitman GO. A lot of your energy will go into managing and mitigating RNG, but it’s fair, smart & lots of fun.

After being ready to dismiss this as a cash-in on Vampire Survivor’s success, I’ve been proven mostly wrong and pleasantly surprised. Reminiscent of Crimsonland, this takes the more active angle.

Absolute gem and insane value. Despite its mechanical simplicity, Vampire Survivors allows for tonnes of variety and replayability. Fun, satisfying and addictive - stop reading and play it.

Basically a serotonin dispenser - super fun. Pachinko dungeon crawling roguelike. Will rely on enough content being added to enable huge build diversity. Crazy, almost stupid idea, but it works.

After bouncing off Fortnite the week it launched, I wrote it off for years. It was polished and fun, but I was frustratingly bad. Once they introduced Zero Build I tried again, and it’s fun as hell.