Genre: Strategy
Pretty innovative FPS roguelite with a cool comicbook artstyle. Not the most difficult or replayable game but interesting.
Currently the most polished and considered autobattler. Super addictive. Depends if it keeps getting updates, which depends if people keep playing it.
Great Instadeath platformer with cool graphics, cool music and a surprisingly addictive story. Does a good job of grounding mechanics in the plot. Can be frustrating at times, but overall pretty good.
Baba is clever. Painfully clever. Really simple concept taken to really inventive heights. Music is great too. If you like puzzle games, this is a must-play.
Slow and relaxing with great art and music. Spikes in difficulty felt a little artificial at times. Probably worth a play, but you certainly need to be in the mood.
Klei does it again! An insanely detailed and complex 2d survival game which will give perfectionists conniptions. A little overwhelming, but charming and fun.
Breathes creative new life into rogue-likes by way of deckbuilding and card/turn-based combat. Deep and satisfying, STS was an instant classic and has proved wildly influential (for better or worse).
A short rogue-like kind of RTS game with awesome art direction, SFX and music. The pacing is a bit strange and difficulty spikes can hit in odd ways, but it’s worth a look if on sale.
Peter Molyneux’ god complex materialises into a disappointment and eventual abandonware. Had promise, but sadly not much delivery.
Artifact was as rewarding as it was deep. RNG was handled well, and over large sample sizes played little part in outcome. Monetisation was misunderstood IMO, and - very sadly - basically rendered the game dead on arrival.