Genre: Strategy
A bit buggy at launch, but an undoubtedly pretty and exceptionally satisfying Vampire Survivors-like. Think it will benefit hugely from updates, adding more build options - but very fun already.
Extraordinarily good art, great music and very well put together. Runs are challenging; there’s quite a lot of cognitive load and mistakes are punished hard - but it’s fun as hell.
Boba is an incremental gamejam entry, but it’s from Daniel Mullins… so you should know to expect the unexpected. Not much can be said without spoiling it, and it’s only about 10-15 minutes, so just play it. Love.
Sub Rosa was a wild ride through the streets of Reservoir Dogs and Heat, and all your friends are there. Now sadly abandoned in early access, the streets are empty. A real shame.
When I was young and my parents were out, I’d take my dad’s work laptop, hook up the phone cord, and using MSN dial-up, download custom units and maps for Total Annihilation. Fantastic game.
A relatively chill and refreshing take on the factory game. Understandably doesn’t have the depth of some of its larger-team contemporaries. Short and a little buggy, but it’s good for what it is.
Arguably the godfather of the factory game. Why do something in five minutes if you can spend five hours automating it? THE FACTORY MUST GROW.
Kinda cool concept, a city builder as an explicit puzzler. Pretty fun and very chill when you’re not getting frustrated by RNG. For its price, worth a play if you like the look of it.
Cool story with enthralling atmosphere, and does a few detective-game things really well. Action sequences can sometimes bae a bit clunky, and sometimes objectives aren’t clear. Still, it’s a classic.
Felt a bit strange to play on PC and I’m very Marvel-fatigued, but the game design itself is stellar. Impressive mix of casual & complex. Sadly, at some point, you’ll likely reach for your wallet.