tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Strategy

Kinda cool concept, a city builder as an explicit puzzler. Pretty fun and very chill when you’re not getting frustrated by RNG. For its price, worth a play if you like the look of it.

Cool story with enthralling atmosphere, and does a few detective-game things really well. Action sequences can sometimes bae a bit clunky, and sometimes objectives aren’t clear. Still, it’s a classic.

Felt a bit strange to play on PC and I’m very Marvel-fatigued, but the game design itself is stellar. Impressive mix of casual & complex. Sadly, at some point, you’ll likely reach for your wallet.

Another Minecraft spin-off with, sadly for me, barely any emphasis on creativity. Clearly targeted at children, so it’s hard to come down hard on, but I found it repetitive and unrewarding.

Goes from chill to chaos real quick. Super fun, satisfying, beautiful to look at and can get really challenging. Arguably better as a mobile game, but it works either way.

Beautiful, clever and relaxing puzzler. Not particularly challenging, but not to the point of being dull - lots of diverse mechanics keeps it interesting. Makes more sense on mobile.

A remnant of its time, when games-with-awkward-controls was a big thing. It’s fun though, if you can get into the silliness of it. Challenging but relatively short in a welcome way.

Almost impenetrably opaque to begin with, but if you can stick with the overwhelming UI & novel concept, it’s phenomenally creative and impressive. Super expressive, crazy-high skill ceiling. Awesome.

An interesting take from atop the shoulders of Slay the Spire. Not quite as fun and somehow not quite as deep, but relatively addictive and room for lots of variety.

My worries for such a fundamental shift, turning Darkest Dungeon into a roguelite, are completely quashed. Its predecessors brutal, punishing heart is still here, inside an absolute masterclass in presentation.