Genre: Strategy
Extremely well designed first person physics-based puzzle game with terrific voice acting. Short playtime and not mindbendingly challenging, but worth a look if you’re into the genre.
If you’re an Ed McMillen fan, you gotta pick this up. The games vary a lot and it’s hard to critique what are essentially chapters in an autobiography.
Transistor is a bold, beautiful masterpiece. Turn-based strategic combat which is fun and challenging punctuate an absolutely gorgeous, bittersweet story with typically great Supergiant dialog and VA.
While it may be better suited to mobile these days, World of Goo is a great puzzle/bridge-building game with a simple mechanic it explores well.
A nostalgic but fresh and seemingly-casual approach to card games. Early on it was approachable, diverse and very fun. As time went on, P2W became more present, and complexity-creep sucked a lot of the fun.
What is now one of the most recognisable franchises all began here. I didn’t play anywhere near as much of it as its sequels, but for its a time; a captivating, dark and immersive world, addictive loop and intense combat. Timeless classic.
Kinda unlike anything else. Despite a few technical issues, Cart Life is a really rewarding game about connections and emotions. Great art and music. Challenging in more ways than one.