Genre: Shooter
Max Payne DOOM Tony Hawk. Super fun; cool little setting and story, nice presentation, and makes you feel better than you probably are. Feels a bit weird at first but doesn’t take long to get used to.
Vampire Survivors + SNKRX. Really clever, solving some problems other games in neighbouring genres suffer from. Not a huge fan of the art and stuff, but it doesn’t really matter.
After being ready to dismiss this as a cash-in on Vampire Survivor’s success, I’ve been proven mostly wrong and pleasantly surprised. Reminiscent of Crimsonland, this takes the more active angle.
Chess with a shotgun. Gets a bit deeper as you play, and deceptively satisfying. Cool packaging of a neat little concept and worth a look.
After bouncing off Fortnite the week it launched, I wrote it off for years. It was polished and fun, but I was frustratingly bad. Once they introduced Zero Build I tried again, and it’s fun as hell.
Feels like a roguelite Borderlands. Starts slow but ramps up in difficulty nicely. Way more fun with friends. I wish combat had a bit more depths and more detailed stats, but it’s a nice little game.
Looks great and has cool ideas, but overall its lack of depth and challenge left me pretty unengaged. Combat is kinda fun but somehow not particularly satisfying. Fans of the franchise will enjoy it.
Arkane Lyon being laser focused & showing a broader audience what immersive sims can feel like. Aesthetic, feel, mapdesign & VA are all top-notch. I just wish the ‘solution’ wasn’t so prescribed.
A tight, stylised & skilful first person s̶h̶o̶o̶t̶e̶r̶ thrower which is as fast as it is gratifying. Combat is awkward at first but soon clicks & feels great. Its relatively short length is spot-on.
Excellent game & value. Snake + AutoChess: simple, but deep & compelling. With the forecasted updates including a more traditional roguelike mode, I feel like this is a sleeper hit. Very, very cool.