Genre: Shooter
Impossibly good looking, creative worldbuilding & visual design, considering its a studio debut. Combat is cool, exploration is OK, puzzles are varied and good. English VA is intolerable. Pretty cool.
Loses some of the fat of its predecessor, and takes a bunch from DOOM (2016). Undoubtedly fun, but cringey dialogue and characters can sometimes make it a bit hard.
Extremely well put-together, heavily story-driven roguelite, doubly impressive as a studio debut. Great world, intuitive and satisfying combat, and noteworthy sound design. Good challenge & very fun.
I struggle to think of a franchise I have less interest in than COD, but MW2s DMZ mode is surprisingly fun. A more accessible Tarkov, simplifying the systems all the way down, potentially too far.
The actual gameplay is amazing; clever, frantic, elegant, demanding & creative. Unfortunately for me it was punctuated by insufferable characters and dialog (which is thankfully now skippable). Cool, but didn’t get the hype.
Distills the tenets of the franchise and starts fresh with the foundations of terror in a captivating setting. Now in first-person, the atmosphere is even scarier. A classic for fans of the genre.
The classic familiar-but-new the franchise is now known for, and potentially the spookiest it’s been. Not really for me, but if you’re into horror, it’s an instant classic.
[Early Access] While feeling a bit like just Slime Rancher 1.5, it seems to improve on everything from the original, with extra delightful polish. Will depend on development, but fun so far.
Colourful, charming and frantic with a unique personality, Slime Rancher walks a line between relaxing and repetitive. If you’re into cute farming, adventuring and a bit of management, it’s for you.
Devil Daggers with your third eye open. At first utterly incomprehensible and overwhelming, but given some time, reveals itself to be incredibly tight, elegant and intensely masterful. A special game.