Genre: Shooter
Probably peak EA. For its time, a very unique and interesting take on what fast, first person games could be - but great controls and even better mapdesign seemingly stop it from aging at all.
A perfect sequel expanding massively on an already brilliant puzzle mechanic. The puzzles are challenging and well designed, but the centrepiece is the plot and specifically the characters.
Short and sweet, Portal has a simple concept which lends itself to all levels of complex puzzles. Nowadays it lives in the shadow of it’s unbelievably good sequel, but the concepts started here.
I played this game for twelve years. It’s very good.
IMO, the last good Saints Row game. Humour is at different times stupid, crude and also clever. It’s absurd, and absurdly fun. Play with a friend.
Arguably the grand-daddy of modern rogue-likes. Ed McMillen hones his tradmarked style of absurd, funny darkness in this virtually infinitely replayable & deep, fucked up world. Must play.
The amazing devs and team at Digital Extremes have set the bar for online grindy shooters. Warframe is, for a F2P game, amazingly well-crafted and dangerously deep.
Open world adventure game with loads of hype prerelease. Ultimately it has a decently engaging story, fun world to explore and… pipe puzzles and ‘hacking’ simulators. Worth a buy if on sale.
A fresh, visceral and addictive hyperactive trip of ultraviolence, strategy and style. Finds its rhythm immediately and sticks the landing. Hell of a soundtrack too.