Genre: Shooter
Seemingly, the beginning of the end for the franchise. All but gone are a lot of the brilliant and deep RPG elements that made these games great, in favour of simplification.
I dunno, feels pretty forced to me. Its seemingly based around a big joke, but I just don’t find it very funny.
One of the few modern co-op games requiring ACTUAL co-operation. Charming, challenging and fun on the couch with a friend.
While it’s not “the Dark Souls of platformers” (because that’s stupid), it is quite challenging and famously gorgeous. This is a true labor of love and is absolutely more than the sum of its parts.
RUINER is a brutal action shooter with an insanely cool aesthetic, great music and engaging characters. Controls can be a bit frustrating on gamepads.
An enormous world, wonderfully fleshed out with great writing, characters and tonnes to do. Incredible production, varied gameplay and fun as hell. Manages to explore the setting and tropes without being tacky.
At launch, fresh and exciting. A level of polish and characterisation not really seen in PVP-focused shooters before. Devolved a bit over time, seemingly driven by meta enforcement, unsure whether to target the pro or casual scene.
Thrilling combat punctuates a fun, well-told, gripping adventure. Naughty Dog throw down the gauntlet on set pieces, and deliver a wild ride through glorious vistas alongside great characters and writing.