Genre: Shooter
Good looking & kinda fun, but not enough to do considering the size of the world. Most of your time will be spent commuting between repetitive and mostly unrewarding quests.
Early Access single or multiplayer third-person shooter roguelike. Done extremely well so far, even more fun with friends. Great music. Feel like the maps need to come alive a bit more.
Procedurally generated rouge-lite with a unique and brilliant art style. A little cryptic to start with but eventually addictive gameplay, if a little simplistic/shallow.
A respectable idea (‘shooter souls’), but ultimately falls very short, feeling very derivative, clunky, repetitive and… just not very fun.
More of the same from the quality reboot trilogy. Unsurprisingly, this one steps up the visuals and adds a couple of mechanics, but is likely the weakest as far as plot goes. Still a good game though.
The iconic N64 classic. At the time it was almost too good to be true. Singleplayer was fun and engaging, but for a lot of people, it was all about the multiplayer (picking Oddjob was cheating btw).
The historic grandfather of 3D shooters, paving the way for a genre that would come to dominate the industry. I remember playing this with my brother, and he’d always make it harder by refusing to shoot the dogs.
A brutal and fun return to form for the juggernaut OG of the genre. Couldn’t have come at a better time when shooters were all starting to homogenise again. Great soundtrack too.
A fantastic game which I played the hell out of growing up. This PC version is all but completely ruined though, so it’s hard to recommend. Still love that tone though.