Genre: Shooter
Devolver are crazy, man. Love ‘em.
Gorgeous and lovingly crafted. Some of the best-in-class gunplay. Tonnes of content now, even a little overwhelming. Needs work on the new/returning player experience, but fun if you can push through.
Undoubtedly gorgeous and definitely an… OK game, but very simplistic and predictable. Would have preferred more subversion of a story I feel like I’ve heard before.
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Stylised, super cool aesthetic and a cool setting/story. Movement feels (probably deliberately) a bit clunky to me, Suffers from the variation a roguelike desperately needs, and camera is a struggle.
Harrowing and emotionally challenging, a game has never left me feeling the way I did as I stared through tears at the credits of The Last of Us Part II. This is a masterpiece I love so much, but may never play again.
Valve (finally) throw down the gauntlet. Alyx changes the VR landscape and is truly a masterpiece; sound, level, visual, game design and story are all top notch. Will not be surpassed for some time.
Another VR essential. Strikes a good balance between getting you moving around and not being annoying.
VR essential. Incredibly addictive. I love everything about this: the mechanic, the sound, the art style - fucking cool.
FPS RPG with a beautiful setting and great environmental storytelling. Lacks in memorable characters a bit and at times narrative drive, but still a very strong game and likely an instant classic.