Genre: Role-playing (RPG)
Seemingly, the beginning of the end for the franchise. All but gone are a lot of the brilliant and deep RPG elements that made these games great, in favour of simplification.
Surprisingly funny, confusing and very clever. A memorable game if you can get through some of the more tedious RPG elements.
Another soulslike with potential but not enough to stand on its own. People call this “clunky souls” but forget it was released before DS3, and that DS1/2 were also very slow.
A well made game in an exhausted genre in need of innovation, which can be found here but only insofar as expanding briefly on its predecessor. Combat is fun but relies on the tired counterplay style.
Her Majesty expands mechanics of its predecessor while maintaining its simplicity. Great little game with, of course, lots of replayability.
Deep and brutal narrative brilliance. Sunless Sea is challenging and a bit grindy but offers rewarding replayability.
Really great concept and fantastic to look at, and I’m always on the side games staying succinct, but I think this one’s too short. The entire game basically feels like character creation. Make more!
Furry hack-and-slash Metroidvania with some RPG elements. But the real story here is that aside from VA, soundtrack, and parts of the story, Dust was designed and programmed entirely by one person.