Genre: Role-playing (RPG)
Uncompromising and obtuse, but intriguing enough to demand going a little deeper. Super atmospheric and great visuals. A little tedious and simplistic overall, but worth a shot.
The latest game by FROM is just as challenging as its predecessors, while taking things in a different direction: combat is more demanding, the world is more vertical & platformy. Extremely good.
Super smooth and adorable art and animation belies the potential difficulty of this dungeon crawler / retail simulator. Can get very grindy, but worth checking out.
Breathes creative new life into rogue-likes by way of deckbuilding and card/turn-based combat. Deep and satisfying, STS was an instant classic and has proved wildly influential (for better or worse).
Confusing at first & I think that’s a good thing, so go in blind. The controls are a bit slippery at first but they get better. This has tonnes of depth and the combat is rewarding if a little spammy.
I wanted to like this after not being a fan of the previous ones but hearing that this one is more souls-like. It’s not. It’s not bad, but between the cringey story/VA and clunky combat, I’m not keen.
Another in the line of 2D soulslikes. This one is quite a bit more derivative than most, and I’m sure somewhere beneath the clunky mechanics and lack of polish is a decent game, but I struggled.
I struggled with this after not being able to get invested in the characters/world, being frustrated by overbearing UI & interruptions, and the fact that combat seems based entirely around endurance.
This would have been a thumbs down upon release. Hello Games have since weathered the storm and managed to turn this into a good game. It worries me what other studios will learn from this however.
I had to install this and try to like it five times. I’m sure theres a good game somewhere among the dotted line GPS, braindead quests and interruptions at every turn, but I kinda can’t be bothered finding it.