tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Role-playing (RPG)

I’m almost getting tired of saying “Supergiant does it again” but it’s true. They turn their incredible skill toward roguelikes here, while maintaining all their patented quality, and absolutely nail it.

Interesting roguelike with some cool ideas and nice art. If you really, really want to play more roguelikes, it’s worth a look, but could do with more content.

Obviously gorgeous, and voice acting and music also great. World is large without being empty. Story is solid, if a little repetitive and drawn-out at times. So, so much to do. Remarkably polished.

Ranges from OK to Pretty Bad. Movement is slippery, combat is floaty & clunky, lacking in impact. Boss design suffers from poor telegraphs and artificial difficulty. I couldn’t get into the art style.

Addresses some of the flaws in the original (map design, enemy variation), but still feels underwhelming and repetitive. If you have soulslike withdrawals it’s worth a shot because it has fun moments.

Currently the most polished and considered autobattler. Super addictive. Depends if it keeps getting updates, which depends if people keep playing it.

(Reviewed during alpha.) A modern interpretation of Pokémon as an MMO. Runs extremely well, is pretty adorable and relaxing to play. One to watch as content is added.

I played earlier Zelda games and enjoyed them, but didn’t truly appreciate them. My dad got me Wind Waker for my birthday and it was one of the first games that really changed the way I looked at the medium - thanks in no small part, strangely, to it’s cel-shaded visuals. I remember finding it confusing and challenging at first, but really falling in love with it.

A gripping narrative-driven mild-action adventure through a dark vision of 14th century France. Really good voice acting, gorgeous visuals. Can drag a little bit at times, but definitely worth it.

Good looking & kinda fun, but not enough to do considering the size of the world. Most of your time will be spent commuting between repetitive and mostly unrewarding quests.