Genre: Role-playing (RPG)
Full of confidence and style, this game knows what it wants to do, and for most, probably achieves it gloriously. Personally, while it had its moments, unless you’re partial to the anime tropes, pretty painful. I’ll likely try again at some point.
Very exciting early access roguelike absolutely brimming with potential. Wish the movement was a bit more fluid, but is still very satisfying. Expectedly has a long way to go, but is one to watch.
An extraordinary game that breaks most if not all conventions and will constantly surprise and challenge you. A seminal must-play. Best to go in blind.
Roguelite, deckbuilding, dice-rolling fun. Really clever design that surprisingly works a lot better than you’d think. Presentation belies its complexity at times.
Not for everyone by virtue of its hyper minimalism, but a treat of exploration and simplistic Soulsy combat. Short little experience which can be completed in one sitting.
If you liked old, good Fallouts, you’ll likely enjoy this. Quite a bit of interesting RPG depth including the classic conversational options. An instant classic of the genre if a little safe at times.
An often woefully misunderstood game by way of limited playtime. A uniquely existential & at times emotional experience; frustrating and laborious by design. A metagame for people who love games and a rumination on human connection. Visually & sonically beautiful - very special game.
All layers of presentation are brilliant in this uber-dark (verging on edgy) souls-inspired metroidvania, but often I felt it leans too hard into its tone. Difficulty can be pretty cheap at times.
A sad remnant of a promising game which languished in development hell resulting in an eventual complete redesign for the worse. I had a great time in its alpha, but this is no longer that game.
Incredible writing, unique approach to RPG elements with hilarious and dank, nihilist atmosphere. Truly an extraordinary game. Absolutely a must play.