tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Racing

There’s a temptation to talk about Pacific Drive with reference to genres: survival, extraction, roguelite, action, adventure, driving… But it’s doing something really cool with it’s tone and atmosphere, making it something altogether unique. Clever progression, tactile UI, great music, terrifying SFX, and a world worth exploring. Cool game.

Epic continues to push the Fortnite-as-a-platform strat. Understandably not as deep as LEGO Fortnite, but a fun little racing game with a big emphasis on drifting and obstacles reminiscent of Mario Kart, and wild courses à la Trackmania. Be prepared to feel like Schumacher as you first place Bronze and Silver ranks only to be met with your first decent human opponents and summarily crushed. Fun though!

Sub Rosa was a wild ride through the streets of Reservoir Dogs and Heat, and all your friends are there. Now sadly abandoned in early access, the streets are empty. A real shame.

Fast and well-polished roguelike that revels in letting the player break the game. Very satisfying and addictive, and even more fun with friends. Great value - just get it.

I’m very bad at & never really liked driving games, but this is fun. Arcadey, but lots of depth and customisation for those interested. The open world approach is super cool, and there’s lots to do.

I am not good at driving games but I was dying to play this. Indeed I was very bad at it, but very much enjoyed the masterfully crafted artstyle and way it lovingly communicates the… art of rally.

Buggy & janky, but if anything it only adds to its humour and charm. You drive through eastern Europe with your uncle in an absolute jalopy. Like the car, sometimes this barely works - and it’s great.

As simple as they come, but strangely hypnotic and addictive. Love it. Sadly I am still fat IRL.

The GTA i played most as a kid. Improves on everything in its predecessor.

The juggernaut that is GTA V is of course grander in ambition and scale, but I still think this is a better game. Cars handle a little strange at times, but everything else here is a masterclass.