tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Puzzle

New DLC for The Case of the Golden Idol has been released, which is a good opportunity to shout out what was one of the best, most slept on releases of 2022. It’s called The Lemurian Vampire and it I can’t wait to get stuck into it. And if you like detective games and haven’t played Golden Idol, what are you waiting for?

Very impressive gamejam submission wherein a rhino needs to deliver packages, but isn’t great at slowing down. Starts simple but progressively introduces clever new mechanics. Really cool.

A must-play for any puzzle game enthusiast. What first appear to be simple puzzles are elegantly designed, without tricks or annoying ‘gotchas’. Probably one of the best puzzle games ever made.

Creepy and suspenseful, it’s a classic just like its predecessor. If you like immersive, scary RPGs, and don’t mind some dated systems, play it.

Lots of fun puzzles to solve in a wholesome little world full of great art and atmosphere. Simple, relaxing and whimsical, it takes me back to games I played as a kid.

Simple and very cutely themed puzzle game with lots of levels which venture into challenging without stepping over into frustrating. Basically ‘tile puzzles, but cats’. Cute.

Great art, character design and music. As a game and colouring book, it ranges from OK to kinda-fun. The story is the hero here, with great writing as you’d expect from this team. Cool little game.

Seemingly simple concept, but executed basically to perfection: dodge discs. Gets challenging pretty quickly, and scoreboards push you to do better. Fun game.

A new vision for the franchise, retaining all the self-aware clichés and insufferable characterisation. Gameplay wise, silly & super fun. Bonkers atmosphere and world. Bosses are sometimes a letdown.

Cool metroidvania with slick movement and a mildly puzzling world. Oftentimes feels a bit samey and a forgettable story drags it down a bit but there’s enough here to pick it up on sale.