Genre: Puzzle
A surprisingly engaging short narrative text adventure. Simple mechanically but a really fleshed out and interesting world makes it a great little experience. Mike Bithell is really good.
Simple but ingenious concept which will either highlight the strength in you & your partners communication, or potentially start an argument. Either way, hilarious couch/party game.
Creepy 3D puzzle platformer with stellar art direction & eery atmosphere. Great environmental storytelling throughout the 5-8hrs playtime. Puzzles range from creative and rewarding to frustrating.
Melancholic and visually stunning, GRIS is a relaxed, watercoloured puzzle platformer perfect for the couch on a lazy sunday afternoon.
From the maker (one person) of Papers, Please comes this brilliant shortish deduction whodunnit with terrific music, great voice acting and uniquely cool art direction. An awesome understated gem of 2018.
Classic couch co-op beat-‘em-up in the vein of Castle Crashers, with added RPG elements. Funny, cute and at times quite challenging. Would love if there were more games like Full Metal Furies.
A charming and engaging swan song from Runic games. Beautiful stylised art direction paint engaging environments and interesting puzzles.
A timeless masterpiece gets a modern, tasteful cosmetic uplift. Shadow of the Colossus is understated, beautiful, charming and inspired. It’s an adventure you’ll never forget - must play.
A brutal and fun return to form for the juggernaut OG of the genre. Couldn’t have come at a better time when shooters were all starting to homogenise again. Great soundtrack too.
Incredibly well designed and delivers on everything it sets out to do: emotional story, a focus on exploration and discovery, and basic combat.