tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Puzzle

Incredibly well designed and delivers on everything it sets out to do: emotional story, a focus on exploration and discovery, and basic combat.

Fun co-op puzzle platforming. Creative and funny, it’s worth it if even for a single session with a friend.

I didn’t know what to expect and I suggest you go in blind too. Unique, heartfelt and wildly compelling, this story and the way it is told is nothing short of a masterpiece.

A 3D puzzle platformer that is best, if not exclusively enjoyed with friends. Emergent moments borne of the physics can be rewarding but mainly just hilarious.

Technical niggles are easy to overlook when a game is this lovingly crafted, heart-warming and - at the time - unique. An absorbing and emotional triumph from Ueda and team. Masterpiece.

A spiritual successor to LIMBO, taking everything they’re good at and doing it better. Puzzles, art direction, sound design, environmental storytelling. INSIDE is dark, unexpected and brilliant.

Short but utterly brilliant. Go in blind, but be prepared for a very strange, funny and unique experience.

My favourite from the Frictional Games team. SOMA isn’t traditionally horrifying, but it’s full of dread and scary atmosphere. Brilliant and thought-provoking existential story.