tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Platform

A raw and delightful exploration game based around a character that has no animation, and whose locomotion is entirely physics-based. It’s a short, experimental game that deserves being checked out.

Lives up to its name, clocking in around an hour or two, but still quite dense. A minimalist and beautiful artstyle paints a charming little world full of cute characters and great writing.

Charming little couples co-op, physics based platformer. Can get a little repetitive and difficulty curve may be a bit steep for some partners.

Cute co-op platform puzzler. Movement is simple making it approachable for people who don’t play a lot of games. Lots of levels… and cute hats.

Cute little couples co-op game. Starts simply enough and is mostly fun throughout, if a little samey throughout the second half with timed and platforming stuff.

Twitch-bait masochism simulator in the vein of Getting Over It. The simplicity is attractive, but unless you’re into those kind of intentionally frustrating, annoying and difficult games - stay away.

All layers of presentation are brilliant in this uber-dark (verging on edgy) souls-inspired metroidvania, but often I felt it leans too hard into its tone. Difficulty can be pretty cheap at times.

John Woo/Wick with bananas. Fun and fluid mechanics with an unexpectedly engaging story.

You play a cat in a robot suit. That should be enough, but the game is actually solid. Simple, funny, full of homages, tight controls and good level design. It’s pretty short, but worth your time.

Some of the most fun platforming around at the time. Loved the art, characters, level design and perhaps more than anything - the music. My cousin deleted my savefile and I haven’t forgiven him decades later.