tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Platform

Short but heartwarming narrative platformer with an interesting hook. Sadly, it’s not explored too much from a gameplay perspective, but the story is cute if a little heavy-handed towards the end.

Interesting concept which at first sounds great, but quickly becomes almost as repetitive and uninteresting as its soundtrack. Map design and combat are actually quite good, but the rest, not so much.

Improves upon almost everything of its predecessor. All the tropes are here, but they still feel interesting at this point. Bursting with ambition and mostly delivers.

At the time, a very exciting game. Lots of fun, if a little padded out by repetition and trailing sequences. An interesting story, decent (albeit repetitive) combat, decent movement. Great soundtrack.

This feels like eating McDonalds. It’s tasty and fills you up in the moment, but you hate yourself and are left unsatisfied thereafter. Has some interesting new ideas, but mostly the same old stuff.

Stunningly authentic tone, visuals, sound and music. If you liked the old Prince of Persia style action/platforming/puzzles, this is almost a must-play. It’s short, but doesn’t outstay its welcome.

Interesting and fun take on this kind of 2d platformer. Movement and combat are fun and satisfying, and puzzles are pretty clever. Short but definitely worth it.

One of if not the best 2D platformers ever (likely biased by my childhood). Amazing music, art, level design and controls. Masterpiece.

Stylish, frenetic, satisfying and addictive. Combat is like a puzzle; often requiring multiple runs through a room to find routes that enable effective & efficient rotation through pickups. Very fun.

Addictive and exciting early access start to a new roguelike. Unique movement & approach to combat are at the heart of this one, which will likely continue to raise the skill ceiling as its develops.