tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Platform

Having started with low expectations, this was surprisingly good. Exploding with ideas, tonnes of charm and mostly feels great. The closest PlayStation has to a great 3d Mario.

I wish there were more truly co-op games like this. I could have done without all the cutscene interruptions, but almost everything else makes up for it. Lovingly crafted and quite funny at times.

An influential masterclass in the application of atmosphere and subtlety. Beautiful, powerful, surprising and mesmerising - Journey is a must play.

If you like Katana Zero or Hotline Miami, but wished they were in 3d (and had grapping & wallrunning), you’ll love this. Challenging but not punishing, and very fun. Great to look at too.

I really want to like this because of it’s unique artstyle and cool people behind it, but it wasn’t working for me. Likely a me-problem, but controls and movement style felt more broken than fun.

Spiritfarer is overwhelmingly beautiful, cathartic and well put together. Manages its fun and relaxation with a genuine emotional depth. Incredibly impressive. Great art, music, writing, characters.

Full of potential, but I wasn’t feeling it. Great atmosphere and intriguing world, but let down by underwhelming combat and a fair bit of enemy repetition. If you’re desperate for a soulslike, try it.

Significantly more polished and refined than its predecessor, but no less charming and creepy. Has frustrating moments, but overall a fantastic, memorable experience. Play the original first.

An autorunner with a dash & slide attack. Some of the original charm is here, but the (very clever) effort that went into making an autorunner interesting doesn’t quite make up for what’s now missing.

What I assumed would just be a quick tech demo of the PS5 and its new controller tech turned out to be a really creative, passionate and fun jaunt through PlayStation’s history. Really cool.