tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Platform

By all reports not a good PC port, but otherwise an impressive visual feast and surprisingly fun at least for a short period. I never got overly into the franchise, but this does a lot right and is quite charming.

An iOS classic - I spent hours on this back in the day. It’s simple but addictive. You likely have this to thank/blame for infinite runner games.

Go very fast and jump between trucks. Fun movement and a little bit of ‘easy to pick up, hard to master’. Potentially a bit light on content, but it’s cool for what it is.

I grew up on Commander Keen games and they’ll always have a special place in my heart.

Cool metroidvania with slick movement and a mildly puzzling world. Oftentimes feels a bit samey and a forgettable story drags it down a bit but there’s enough here to pick it up on sale.

A remnant of its time, when games-with-awkward-controls was a big thing. It’s fun though, if you can get into the silliness of it. Challenging but relatively short in a welcome way.

An often misunderstood game and a remarkable achievement from a tiny team led by someone with an uncompromising vision. The world does not care about you and you are not special. Sublime.

A clever concept well executed. Not a huge fan of the music and characters, but if you’re into rhythm games generally, this is a smart and engaging addition to the genre.

The actual gameplay is amazing; clever, frantic, elegant, demanding & creative. Unfortunately for me it was punctuated by insufferable characters and dialog (which is thankfully now skippable). Cool, but didn’t get the hype.

Great example of how to faithfully refine a predecessor. Lots of charm, tonnes to do and a sensational level of variation and dynamics. Movement still feels a bit rigid to my taste, but that’s OK.