tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Genre: Hack and slash/Beat 'em up

Really creative mechanically, combining classic pinball with topdown bullethell ‘combat’. Visuals are great, is music too - but like the game itself can get a bit repetitive. Worth it for the concept.

Challenging, twitchy bossrush game with the combat elements you’d expect: slash, parry, dash, etc. Boss design is varied and tight, as are the controls. Aesthetics are pretty cool too.

All layers of presentation are brilliant in this uber-dark (verging on edgy) souls-inspired metroidvania, but often I felt it leans too hard into its tone. Difficulty can be pretty cheap at times.

I’m almost getting tired of saying “Supergiant does it again” but it’s true. They turn their incredible skill toward roguelikes here, while maintaining all their patented quality, and absolutely nail it.

Interesting roguelike with some cool ideas and nice art. If you really, really want to play more roguelikes, it’s worth a look, but could do with more content.

The latest game by FROM is just as challenging as its predecessors, while taking things in a different direction: combat is more demanding, the world is more vertical & platformy. Extremely good.

Super smooth and adorable art and animation belies the potential difficulty of this dungeon crawler / retail simulator. Can get very grindy, but worth checking out.

I wanted to like this after not being a fan of the previous ones but hearing that this one is more souls-like. It’s not. It’s not bad, but between the cringey story/VA and clunky combat, I’m not keen.

Rogue-like with satisfying combat and a cool world. Doesn’t have as much content as the big names in the genre, and may not be as challenging, but still fun.

Classic couch co-op beat-‘em-up in the vein of Castle Crashers, with added RPG elements. Funny, cute and at times quite challenging. Would love if there were more games like Full Metal Furies.