Genre: Adventure
Releasing earlier than scheduled to combat an unfortunate leak, the GTA VI trailer is here. Featuring our protagonist Lucia, her partner in crime, the usual fast cars and parties, on a backdrop of Vice City and Floridian madness. Set to release in 2025 (though no mention of PC), it’s looking fantastic - love the apparent Bonnie & Clyde vibe. Wonder how many billions this will make.
Elden Ring’s upcoming expansion, Shadow of the Erdtree, is “progressing well”, according to producer Yasuhiro Kitao. In a new interview, he hinted at ‘new battles and characters’, drawing comparisons to Bloodborne’s huge and beloved DLC. Despite no confirmed release date, FROMSOFT are assuring smooth development.
Following the announcement last month, Rockstar have confirmed the first trailer for GTA VI will release Tuesday, December 5, 9AM ET. We love announcements of announcements of announcements.
The seminal Half-Life turns 25 this weekend, and Valve are celebrating with a substantial update which restores launch day content, introduces fresh multiplayer maps, and provides insights into the original development team’s work. As part of the festivities, there’s also an excellent documentary produced by the Noclip production crew.
Ten years after the release of GTA V, and in line with their 25th anniversary, Rockstar have confirmed the first look at the next in the franchise will be dropping early next month. In a series of tweets, Rockstar president Sam Houser reflects on the company’s history and speaks to his excitement for “many more years of sharing these experiences”.
Terrific art direction, ghostly music and atmosphere underpinned by a gripping story (by ’60s Polish sci-fi author Stanisław Lem) make for a tantalising but ultimately underwhelming experience. The characters are likeable and acted well, but they can only do so much to make up for what is so bound by its story that it leaves so little room for compelling gameplay… I’m up for walking simulators, but the walking has to be enjoyable. All that said, the story is the hero, which is enough to drive home an admirable adaptation.
Remedy have provided an interesting (and very impressive) look behind the technical curtain of Alan Wake 2 and its engine Northlight in a new blogpost. AW2 has been universally praised for its visual technical achievements (among other things), so it’s great to be able to read about some of the tools and tech they created or utilised.
Deckbuilding autobattler roguelite with some realtime combat elements - it’s such a genre-mash that it can be a bit hard to get your head around at first, and ultimately hard to decide if it works. Cool concept, art and atmosphere, but the core combat mechanic won’t be for everyone. The mix of autobattle with realtime interactivity sometimes means you spend more time waiting than calculating your next move. Interesting game though, and decently priced.
Journey Death Stranding, but Ueda. A wonderful, melancholic little adventure reflecting on nature and hardship. Striking visuals and pleasant audio encourage an ascent through towering landscapes and mysteries. I really like this pared back, focused DON’T NOD - cool game.