Genre: Adventure
Supergiant’s debut game, and what a game it is. A 2D isometric RPG which is tonnes of fun, has gorgeous visuals, a great soundtrack and famously brilliant narration. Must play.
Fun (and funny) puzzle platformer perfect for couch co-op. Behemoth are at it again with their typically absurd and amusing narration and design.
A beautiful, dark and immersive alternate reality with characters you’ll be sad to leave behind. A brave successor that pulls it off and has genuinely jaw-dropping moments.
A fresh and lastingly influential take on the broadly tired shooter genre. Decent gunplay is offset by the audio/visual and narrative masterpiece that surround it.
An almost flawless explosion onto the scene by Jon Blow. Simple mechanics that grow increasingly complicated, making way for some challenging puzzles inside a beautiful and sombre world. Must play.
This game has its flaws; some of the quests are cheap & some of it feels drawn out or heavy-handed. Overall though, it’s a good time. A lot of care went into this, and it shows in charming art and VA.
One of, if not the best couch co-op games around. Classic beat-em-up sidescrolling action with great design and super fun combat.
Genuinely beautiful visuals and music and an engaging enough story to distract from otherwise pretty standard turnbased RPG gameplay.
A good game, but not a great Souls game. While there are some mechanical improvements, Dark Souls II is the buffet to it’s predecessors fine dining: lots of content, but none of it very good.