Genre: Adventure
It’s hard to not say “more of the same but a little less compelling”. Awesome art, music, VA and world design. A little let down by its story, at least compared to its predecessor, but still good.
A new vision for the franchise, retaining all the self-aware clichés and insufferable characterisation. Gameplay wise, silly & super fun. Bonkers atmosphere and world. Bosses are sometimes a letdown.
Roguelike classic. Awesome styling and tonnes of replayability. Lots of depth, enough RNG to keep you coming back, and cool secrets. Hard at first, but if you like roguelikes, you know the drill.
Cool metroidvania with slick movement and a mildly puzzling world. Oftentimes feels a bit samey and a forgettable story drags it down a bit but there’s enough here to pick it up on sale.
Cool story with enthralling atmosphere, and does a few detective-game things really well. Action sequences can sometimes bae a bit clunky, and sometimes objectives aren’t clear. Still, it’s a classic.
It’s impossible to not describe as Animal Crossing meets Rust, but I think that’s exactly what they’re going for. It’ll be super cool once enough content is in, but it’s already worth a quick look.
Beautiful, clever and relaxing puzzler. Not particularly challenging, but not to the point of being dull - lots of diverse mechanics keeps it interesting. Makes more sense on mobile.
A remnant of its time, when games-with-awkward-controls was a big thing. It’s fun though, if you can get into the silliness of it. Challenging but relatively short in a welcome way.
Brimming with the passion of people who clearly love this genre, and made for the people who are underwhelmed by lack of depth in its contemporaries. A bit too intimidating for me, but I respect it.
Super cool concept: asynchronous multiplayer obstacle course roguelike. Relies heavily on its movement, which has been divisive. Would benefit from a bit more content and player choice.