tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Xbox Game Studios

It’s a cool game. I’m more than fine with its 6-7hr duration. The graphics are some of, if not the most impressive I’ve seen to date. The music, cinematics and performances are all fantastic. But… if it hadn’t been in development for five years, I would have said that something here doesn’t feel right, as if it was rushed out. The combat is cinematic and visceral, but not particularly rewarding and sometimes clunky. The puzzles are far less compelling than those of its predecessor. The story isn’t bad - it’s """fine""" - but ultimately feels unnecessary, which given the impact of the first game, is a little sad.

Another Minecraft spin-off with, sadly for me, barely any emphasis on creativity. Clearly targeted at children, so it’s hard to come down hard on, but I found it repetitive and unrewarding.

I’m very bad at & never really liked driving games, but this is fun. Arcadey, but lots of depth and customisation for those interested. The open world approach is super cool, and there’s lots to do.

For me, does relatively well to recapture the lightning in a bottle that was Subnautica. Super polished and great to look at. Compelling world to explore, lots to do. Definitely more fun with friends.

While not for me, a remarkable technical feat in many ways. Absolutely gorgeous, so expectedly demanding, especially in VR where things can get a bit janky.

[100+ hours pre-Steam] Fun with friends… for a time. Really great artstyle. Does what it says on the tin. Almost better as just background while hanging/chatting.