tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Ubisoft Montreal

Probably my least enjoyed of the franchise. Great visuals and world, but overall is strangely paced and often clunky if not completely broken. Sadly full of potential, but typically underwhelming.

I’m not entirely sure why this exists. Seemed kind of intriguing at first, but became painfully laborious almost immediately. Worth a play if you’re obsessed with the franchise, but not otherwise.

I dunno, feels pretty forced to me. Its seemingly based around a big joke, but I just don’t find it very funny.

More of the same from the Far Cry formula; which is still strong and fun - assuming there’s an engaging world & plot, as there is here. Not quite as strong as #3, but worth playing.

Genuinely beautiful visuals and music and an engaging enough story to distract from otherwise pretty standard turnbased RPG gameplay.

This in my opinion is the best Far Cry. Best world, best characters (even if the protagonist and his crew are a bit cringey), best moments, best plot.

Open world adventure game with loads of hype prerelease. Ultimately it has a decently engaging story, fun world to explore and… pipe puzzles and ‘hacking’ simulators. Worth a buy if on sale.