tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Ubisoft Montreal

You know what it is. Not as good as Odyssey, and that wasn’t particularly good either. They have to look at refocusing and reinventing the franchise at some point… right?

Expectedly more of the same, but surprisingly, I actually don’t mind it. Can see why people call it DLC, but the balance it strikes of realistic and stylised environments is nice. Writing is very avg.

It is a Far Cry game. You get what you expect. I’m bored of it and this does nothing to turn that around.

Improves upon almost everything of its predecessor. All the tropes are here, but they still feel interesting at this point. Bursting with ambition and mostly delivers.

Fun game. Gorgeous setting and a pretty good story. Has some pacing issues, but one of if not the best AC games. Just wish it was a little harder.

At the time, a very exciting game. Lots of fun, if a little padded out by repetition and trailing sequences. An interesting story, decent (albeit repetitive) combat, decent movement. Great soundtrack.

This feels like eating McDonalds. It’s tasty and fills you up in the moment, but you hate yourself and are left unsatisfied thereafter. Has some interesting new ideas, but mostly the same old stuff.

A welcome change of design direction for the franchise! Less about assassination & stealth, more about RPG-stuff. That said, it’s still full of bugs, clunky writing/VA and atrocious optimisation.

Revelations is a beautiful game from which you know entirely what to expect. For me; fun but entirely unsatisfying.

Feels like it could probably have been DLC. Has all the Ubisoft tropes and the typical mix of dopamine and tedium.