tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Ninja Theory

It’s a cool game. I’m more than fine with its 6-7hr duration. The graphics are some of, if not the most impressive I’ve seen to date. The music, cinematics and performances are all fantastic. But… if it hadn’t been in development for five years, I would have said that something here doesn’t feel right, as if it was rushed out. The combat is cinematic and visceral, but not particularly rewarding and sometimes clunky. The puzzles are far less compelling than those of its predecessor. The story isn’t bad - it’s """fine""" - but ultimately feels unnecessary, which given the impact of the first game, is a little sad.

A new vision for the franchise, retaining all the self-aware clichés and insufferable characterisation. Gameplay wise, silly & super fun. Bonkers atmosphere and world. Bosses are sometimes a letdown.

This is a very special game. It’s beautiful and ugly, heartfelt and heart-wrenching. Hands-down the best take on psychosis in videogames (with no real comparison), best experienced with headphones.