tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Microsoft Studios

Uncompromising and obtuse, but intriguing enough to demand going a little deeper. Super atmospheric and great visuals. A little tedious and simplistic overall, but worth a shot.

Incredibly well designed and delivers on everything it sets out to do: emotional story, a focus on exploration and discovery, and basic combat.

Furry hack-and-slash Metroidvania with some RPG elements. But the real story here is that aside from VA, soundtrack, and parts of the story, Dust was designed and programmed entirely by one person.

Very on rails, but very satisfying and fun. Repetitive at times, but does what it sets out to do very well: tell a decent story and make you feel like a badass.

Fun (and funny) puzzle platformer perfect for couch co-op. Behemoth are at it again with their typically absurd and amusing narration and design.

The first and likely last masterpiece by Phil Fish. The amount of attention to detail and care that went into this game is crazy. A simple mechanic well explored and executed - a must play.

Beautifully crafted, hugely influential, challenging and fun.

While it may be better suited to mobile these days, World of Goo is a great puzzle/bridge-building game with a simple mechanic it explores well.