tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Massive Entertainment

I fooled myself into thinking that one gets a certain amount of enjoyment ‘for free’ by virtue of being in the Star Wars universe. This has previously been true and carried me through multiple otherwise-not-amazing games. Star Wars Outlaws has proven me wrong: an uninspired, bare-minimum “open-world” experience (if you can even call it that, given how restrictive it can be)… stealth, combat, and exploration that are painfully shallow, with comically bad AI and repetitive mechanics. It has its moments of charm and “huh cool :)”, but overall a disappointment that does not live up to its potential.

A lot of the magic of the first one is gone and unfortunately it’s just kind of… uninspiring. For everything it does well, there are two things it doesn’t. Worth a look on sale.