tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Insomniac Games

A gorgeous and satisfying game, wherein - again - even just moving around feels terrific. Traversal additions are smart and fun, combat is still energetic and gratifying. The writing isn’t always great, and I wish I could speed up some sections, but overall an incredibly slick package which I honestly would have played for another coupla dozen hours.

Bryan Intihar previews the expanded NYC and ‘next-gen’ gameplay of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, which is coming out October 20. Looks stunning, visually - and damn, that loading time (or lack thereof) on fast travel is unreal.

By all reports not a good PC port, but otherwise an impressive visual feast and surprisingly fun at least for a short period. I never got overly into the franchise, but this does a lot right and is quite charming.

See: 2018 Spider-Man. It’s more of the same - not a bad thing.

Cool game. The very standard openworld affair of passable story, annoying fetch quests and just-fun-enough combat are offset by such insanely fun mobility that for a while, you almost don’t care.