tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: id Software

I grew up on Commander Keen games and they’ll always have a special place in my heart.

It’s hard to overstate DOOM’s significance and influence. Revolutionary.

As a huge fan of the first Quake, at the time I never quite knew what to make of this. The setting & theme shift was bold but respectable. Sadly this release doesnt have music, which IMO was integral.

It’s wickedly fun, no doubt about it. Frenetic, insane combat like the one that came before it. But I can’t help but feel it’s a little too self-aware now, and may have edged into genuine cheese.

Good looking & kinda fun, but not enough to do considering the size of the world. Most of your time will be spent commuting between repetitive and mostly unrewarding quests.

The historic grandfather of 3D shooters, paving the way for a genre that would come to dominate the industry. I remember playing this with my brother, and he’d always make it harder by refusing to shoot the dogs.

A brutal and fun return to form for the juggernaut OG of the genre. Couldn’t have come at a better time when shooters were all starting to homogenise again. Great soundtrack too.

I played this game for twelve years. It’s very good.