tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Focus Entertainment

Really clever deduction point-n-click puzzler that has you deciphering languages across a pretty world for around seven hours. Not a new concept, but manages to strike a simple, satisfying balance between intuitive and challenging. Wish it didn’t give away so much sometimes, but still very cool.

Impossibly good looking, creative worldbuilding & visual design, considering its a studio debut. Combat is cool, exploration is OK, puzzles are varied and good. English VA is intolerable. Pretty cool.

Intriguing episodic narrative adventure. The setting, characters, writing and RPG elements are all quite strong - but they’re often offset by clunky controls and hollow decisions/outcomes.

I’m not usually a huge fan of turn/tile-based X-COM style strategy games, but Othercide’s setting, aesthetic, lore and indeed roguelike aspects hooked me. Has its issues, but absolutely worth a look.

Very exciting early access roguelike absolutely brimming with potential. Wish the movement was a bit more fluid, but is still very satisfying. Expectedly has a long way to go, but is one to watch.

Addresses some of the flaws in the original (map design, enemy variation), but still feels underwhelming and repetitive. If you have soulslike withdrawals it’s worth a shot because it has fun moments.

A gripping narrative-driven mild-action adventure through a dark vision of 14th century France. Really good voice acting, gorgeous visuals. Can drag a little bit at times, but definitely worth it.

As with a lot of soulslikes; The Surge has a few respectable and cool ideas for ideation on the genre, but ultimately falls flat - repetitive enemies & environments, and a not-very-engaging story.