tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Electronic Arts

Creepy and suspenseful, it’s a classic just like its predecessor. If you like immersive, scary RPGs, and don’t mind some dated systems, play it.

It feels lazy to say so, but it really is - in the best way - more of the same but improved. I wish they leaned more into the soulslike aspects, but they understandably want to retain a broader audience. The set pieces are bombastic, combat fun and exploration a bit more rewarding this time around.

Everything I wanted from a monster hunting game on paper, but suffers from less than satisfying movement, particularly over janky world geometry. Needs more content, but could be really good.

I wish there were more truly co-op games like this. I could have done without all the cutscene interruptions, but almost everything else makes up for it. Lovingly crafted and quite funny at times.

Relies a lot on its IP, and benefits a lot from the inherent fun of VR (if you have it), but didn’t do much for me otherwise. Satisfies childlike dreams of flying an X-Wing, and the story is passable.

EA published a good game! This clearly takes some inspiration from soulslikes - and some of that is present - I would draw more comparisons to Tomb Raider, God of War and Unchartered. Very fun.

Probably peak EA. For its time, a very unique and interesting take on what fast, first person games could be - but great controls and even better mapdesign seemingly stop it from aging at all.

A perfect sequel expanding massively on an already brilliant puzzle mechanic. The puzzles are challenging and well designed, but the centrepiece is the plot and specifically the characters.

Short and sweet, Portal has a simple concept which lends itself to all levels of complex puzzles. Nowadays it lives in the shadow of it’s unbelievably good sequel, but the concepts started here.

What is now one of the most recognisable franchises all began here. I didn’t play anywhere near as much of it as its sequels, but for its a time; a captivating, dark and immersive world, addictive loop and intense combat. Timeless classic.