tldr videogame curation
melbourne, australia

Company: Devolver Digital

I was hooked on Children of the Sun after about two minutes into the demo, and the full release didn’t let go. A puzzler disguised as a shooter which seems straightforward initially, but its clever and versatile puzzle design proves remarkably addictive - especially with leaderboards. Combined with the art, sound and music, the vibes here absolutely rule. Play it.

Definitely a cool game - love the atmosphere, styling and general foundation. I can see this becoming something great over time, but currently the loop and endgame are a little underwhelming. Even with that though, the game is fun, fairly priced and an enjoyable little romp.

Expands on everything from the first one, and fixes some of the annoyances. Short, sweet and super sick - play it before it gets banned in Australia, like the first one. #FREEUZZI 🚬

Sub Rosa was a wild ride through the streets of Reservoir Dogs and Heat, and all your friends are there. Now sadly abandoned in early access, the streets are empty. A real shame.

Seemingly simple concept, but executed basically to perfection: dodge discs. Gets challenging pretty quickly, and scoreboards push you to do better. Fun game.

Roguelike classic. Awesome styling and tonnes of replayability. Lots of depth, enough RNG to keep you coming back, and cool secrets. Hard at first, but if you like roguelikes, you know the drill.

Super cool concept: asynchronous multiplayer obstacle course roguelike. Relies heavily on its movement, which has been divisive. Would benefit from a bit more content and player choice.

Loses some of the fat of its predecessor, and takes a bunch from DOOM (2016). Undoubtedly fun, but cringey dialogue and characters can sometimes make it a bit hard.

A really fun balance of roguelike dungeon crawling and Animal Crossing colony sim inside a slick package of stunning art and great music. Bit buggy at launch, but still great and ripe for expansion.

Pretty special game. Great art and music delivers a really unique concept. A good example of the strength of the medium, where gameplay is married to the narrative nicely. Super cool.